Posts Tagged ‘Heater Repair’

Schedule Repairs if Your Heater Makes These Noises

Monday, February 7th, 2022

furnace-inspectionNo heating system is completely silent. You will hear it cycle on and off and produce a whoosh of warm air, which is normal. If you have a ducted system, you’ll also probably hear the ducts expand and contract a bit.

You shouldn’t expect to hear much else beyond these noises. If you do, we recommend calling us for further investigation. Keep reading as we delve into the sounds that could mean trouble in your heating system.

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3 Heating System Repairs You May Need

Monday, December 28th, 2020

Wintertime can be a rough season thanks to the cold, dry air. You already feel dried out most days, and there are times when you just can’t seem to get warm. This may not be because you got a bad chill today though–it could be due to a problem with your heater.

Winter weather isn’t just hard on you, it’s rough on your heating system too. The stress created by regular use can lead to the development of a need for a heater repair in Brandon, MS. Our team is available to help when issues like these pop-up and we can get them resolved in short order. All you need to do is contact us.

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