Archive for July, 2019

Yes, Your Ductless AC Needs Repairs Too

Monday, July 29th, 2019

Let’s face it: ductless systems are pretty awesome! Why? Because they’re super-efficient, highly effective, take up very little space, and can provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch. But sadly, no matter how great your ductless system is, eventually it is going to require repairs.

You see, ductless systems, like all HVAC systems, need repairing from time to time. In fact, ductless systems come with their own set of unique repair needs, so below, we’ve highlighted some of them for you. That way, you’ll know what to do if you are faced with ductless troubles (HINT: call us!) Keep reading to find out more!

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Is Now the Perfect Time to Replace Your AC?

Monday, July 15th, 2019

How can you possibly be sure that now is the right time to replace your AC? Surely, it’s got a little juice left in it, right? Well, we hate to burst your bubble, but sometimes, letting go of an older, outdated air conditioner is definitely worth it, even if you think might make it through the rest of the summer.

There are plenty of signs that suggest it’s time for a replacement, and below, we have listed a number of them for you! (Of course, only a professional can truly determine if it’s time to replace your AC, but we thought we’d give you a bit of a head start!) So, what are you waiting for? Keep reading to find out more!

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Controlling Humidity Goes a Long Way

Monday, July 1st, 2019

Some things just go together — peanut butter and jelly, milk and cookies, humidity and comfort… Okay, okay, we know what you are thinking and yes, this is going to be another blog about humidity. Why? Because it’s important! Striking the perfect balance of humidity in your home is key to enjoying a comfortable and efficient environment.

In general, most of us prefer a relative humidity level of around 30%-50% — anything above or below that can impact your comfort, efficiency, and even your health! Therefore, it is important to be aware of the effects of high and low humidity and learn about what you can do to restore a perfect balance in your home. All you have to do is keep reading below to find out more.

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