Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Extend the Lifespan of Your AC: The Right Way

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

In the sweltering heat of the American South, a functioning air conditioning system is more than just a luxury—it’s a necessity. With temperatures often soaring into the triple digits, the last thing any homeowner wants is for their AC to break down or an expensive AC repair in Oxford, MS.

Fortunately, with the right maintenance practices, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your air conditioning unit, ensuring it serves you well for many years to come.

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5 Sounds That Your AC Should Never Make (And What They Mean)

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Your air conditioner is a loyal and powerful companion during the sweltering summer months. But just like any machine, it can make noises that signal trouble. While a gentle hum is normal, certain sounds can indicate a problem requiring professional attention. Thankfully, you can schedule air conditioner repair in Pearl by calling our hotline or clicking the link below.

Here are 5 sounds your AC should never make.

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Short Cycling: This Summer’s Big AC Problem to Be Vigilant Of

Monday, May 13th, 2024

As summer temperatures soar, our air conditioners (AC) become our saving graces. But what happens when your AC starts acting strange, turning on and off rapidly without ever reaching that cool, refreshing temperature you crave? This, dear reader, is short cycling, and it can spell big trouble for your AC unit, and your wallet, if left unchecked. Just make sure you schedule AC repair in Crystal Springs when needed.

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5 Spooky AC Sounds and What They Mean

Monday, October 16th, 2023

It is spooky season, but you want to enjoy the spookiness on your own terms. Scary sounds coming from your air conditioner are not enjoyable at all, especially this time of the year. In fact, unusual sounds mean that you need to schedule air conditioning service in Gulfport, MS.

It’s the best way to stay ahead of serious air conditioner problems before they become truly terrifying. After all, unusual sounds are warnings to you that something is going wrong inside the air conditioner. When you address these warning signs early, it is better for your air conditioner. You can keep reading to learn more about the five most common unusual sounds that we get calls for when it comes to air conditioners

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4 Common Late Season AC Repairs

Monday, September 18th, 2023

If you kept putting off AC maintenance this year, you may think it’s too late to schedule the appointment now. But actually, fall is one of the best times to schedule AC maintenance. You’re in between seasons and your air conditioner will go unused for many months until spring. Investing in AC repairs now is the best way to make sure that your air conditioner will be ready to cool your home when spring and summer roll around again.

You can also call us anytime that you think something is wrong to schedule AC repair in Jackson, MS. No matter what your AC needs, our team is here to help. Even if you just have a question about something, you can give us a call. Keep reading to learn more about four common AC repairs we see late in the summer season and how investing in those repairs now can make a difference. 

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5 Signs Your AC Is Struggling & Needs Repairs

Monday, June 26th, 2023

It’s important to stay on top of air conditioning repairs so that you can prevent an air conditioner breakdown. It’s never fun to come home and find out your air conditioner stopped working while you were away. Temperatures are high, and now you have to wait for an AC service appointment to be available.

But you can avoid this headache simply by paying attention to your air conditioner and investing in AC repairs before small problems cause too much damage to the system. If you’re ready to schedule an AC repair in Jackson, MS, give our team a call. If you’re wondering how to tell when your AC needs repairs, keep reading to learn more about five signs to pay attention to.

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Why You Should Get a Jump on AC Repairs

Monday, May 15th, 2023

Summer is just a month away and temperatures are beginning to heat up. As we get closer to the hottest days of summer, you need to be thinking about what kind of shape your AC is in. If you had any issues last summer, it’s a good idea to invest in AC repairs now instead of waiting for a complete system breakdown.

The good news is, our team technicians are the local experts at AC repair in Brandon, MS. We can help you identify and fix even the most stubborn problems and hard-to-find solutions. Keep reading to learn more about why you want to stay ahead of AC repairs to prevent a major malfunction.

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Signs Your AC Isn’t Cooling Your Home Enough

Monday, April 17th, 2023

Your air conditioner has one job: to keep your home cool. And if your air conditioner is not achieving that goal, something is wrong. Maybe you’re still relatively comfortable and don’t want to face the need for an expensive repair. But letting the problem go on will only mean that things will get worse. 

If your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home, it’s time for air conditioning repair in Jackson, MS. You can keep reading to learn more about the signs that your air conditioner is not keeping up with your cooling needs. Then, schedule an appointment with our team to get it fixed and truly enjoy the comfort of your home. 

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Is Your AC or Thermostat Causing Problems?

Monday, July 11th, 2022

Your AC and thermostat are crucial to keeping your home cool. They work together to control the temperature in your house and keeping cool all summer. However, they can sometimes develop problems and become unreliable. Whether this is because of age, damage, or other issues, it’s important to know how to recognize trouble so you can get them fixed in time.

Below, we will detail warning signs that your AC or thermostat is defective and needs repairs. If you notice these warning signs, you’ll want to talk to a technician who will be able to assist in providing an AC or thermostat repair that can offer you the best solution.

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Why Refrigerant Leaks Are a Problem

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

blue-question-markRefrigerant leaks are a problem because they can cause an issue for the overall cooling process for the AC systems and even damage the system further. A leak is not supposed to take place and getting on top of the issue early can save you more trouble in the long run by preventing the situation from getting worse.

Leaving a possible refrigerant leak unaddressed could mean facing more severe consequences. A loss of refrigerant means that you need to schedule an appointment for AC repair in Hattiesburg, MS so that you can get your system back to functioning optimally.

Here is what you need to know about refrigerant leaks so you can get the issue addressed promptly.

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