Archive for February, 2022

What Short Cycling Means

Monday, February 21st, 2022

air-ventAs a pivotal component of your home’s comfort, the health of your HVAC systems should be a top priority. An issue commonly overlooked within your heater is that of  short cycling. However, this issue is one of the most common problems homeowners will experience with their heating systems, and is likewise something to not overlook.

Here’s what you need to know about short cycling and what it means for your heating system.

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Schedule Repairs if Your Heater Makes These Noises

Monday, February 7th, 2022

furnace-inspectionNo heating system is completely silent. You will hear it cycle on and off and produce a whoosh of warm air, which is normal. If you have a ducted system, you’ll also probably hear the ducts expand and contract a bit.

You shouldn’t expect to hear much else beyond these noises. If you do, we recommend calling us for further investigation. Keep reading as we delve into the sounds that could mean trouble in your heating system.

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