Archive for June, 2021

How To Get The Most From Your AC Unit

Monday, June 28th, 2021

checklistSummer is fast approaching which means you are about to start using your air conditioner a lot more often. You want to be able to stay cool but maybe the thought of the energy bill you are going to receive is making you nervous. Maybe you don’t need to stay cool everyday….

Here’s the thing though–you shouldn’t have to compromise your comfort to get a reasonable energy bill. While major spikes that don’t change despite prompt AC repair in Jackson, MS may be an indicator of a bigger issue, there are smaller increases that you can combat on your own.

Work on using these best practices to get the most out of your air conditioner this summer. And, if your bills are still too high, reach out to us for extra help.

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Tips For the Ultimate Movie Night

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

It’s time for a movie night. It’s a relaxed night and the schedule is clear so it is time to break out your DVD collection or pull up the Netflix account to find a good film to watch.

Evenings like these are what bond family members and friends and creates great memories to look back on years in the future. Those memories will be even sweeter if you can make movie night ultimate. We have some tips to help you do just that.

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