Archive for February, 2019

The 3 Deciding Factors in Choosing a Furnace or Heat Pump

Monday, February 25th, 2019

blue-question-markIn the family tree of HVAC heating systems, furnaces and heat pumps are like cousins to each other. They share the same extended family, but their means of operation is too different to consider them siblings.

So, here’s where this analogy gets awkward: you definitely shouldn’t play favorites with family members, but you can only choose one for your main heating system. Before committing to one of them, we want you to understand the potential benefits of both systems.

We’ll try and help you do that by going over three of the top deciding factors for each system.

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Fiberglass vs Cellulose Insulation

Monday, February 11th, 2019

cellulose-insulationWhen it comes to insulating the home, the first mental image that appears might be that of the fluffy pink sheets, also known as fiberglass insulation. What many homeowners may not be aware of is that they can also opt for cellulose insulation, a type made of recycled paper.

Regardless of which material you use, the main objective of insulation is to slow the transfer of heat. In winter, we want all our hot air to stay inside. In summer, we’re much more generous and will allow hot air to stay outside. Insulation helps us do that.

In this post, we’ll go over these two types of insulation to sort out the pros and cons of each.

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