Posts Tagged ‘Clinton’

What These Sounds from Your AC Mean

Monday, May 16th, 2022

guy-mad-at-acAre you hearing unusual sounds from your air conditioning unit? While you may not pay much attention to the light whoosh of air coming through vents or the occasional click as you walk by the outside unit, there are some air conditioning sounds that should grab your attention.

In general, any noise that is out of the ordinary for your system deserves a prompt call for air conditioner repair in Clinton. Our team knows that strange sounds are often the warning signs of bigger trouble to come. That’s why we want to warn you about five troublesome sounds that you should never ignore.

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How to Tell You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade

Monday, April 18th, 2022

There is more than one issue that exists in your home that could jeopardize the functionality and safety of your electrical panel. However, there are warning indications that can help you determine whether it’s time to call a professional electrician in Clinton, MS to diagnose any problems with your electrical panel and install a replacement.

In this quick guide, we’ll look at some signs indicating that it’s time to upgrade or replace your electrical panel.

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