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AirSouth Cooling and Heating Blog

Quiz Time: Do You Need AC Maintenance?

checklistThere’s a fine line between an air conditioner that needs repairs and one that just needs a simple maintenance check. No one wants to make an unnecessary repair call for a simple maintenance issue. At the same time, no one wants to schedule a maintenance visit several weeks down the line for something that should be treated like an urgent repair issue.

So, do you know when your AC needs a simple maintenance check versus when it needs AC repair in Jackson, MS? Ask yourself these questions to find out!

Is the current date sometime between winter and summer?

If the answer is “Yes,” we highly suggest getting a maintenance check. Even if it doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong with your AC, this is an ideal time to have your AC checked. Why? Simply because summer is right around the corner. You’ll be able to enter the hotter months with peace of mind if you take care of your maintenance during this time period.

The exception to this rule is if you’ve already had maintenance done recently. If you decided to be proactive and have your AC tuned-up after last year’s summer, there’s no need to have the maintenance done again if you haven’t been using it extensively.

Is your AC making strange noises or behaving erratically?

Regardless of the answer being “Yes” or “No,” we recommend that you skip maintenance and go straight for the AC repair.

A good HVAC technician will be able to spot a maintenance issue from a repair issue, so you don’t have to worry about calling in for the wrong service. Rather, our concern is about the level of urgency between the two services.

For example, if your AC is making noises or not operating properly, we don’t want you to put it off as an issue that can wait until maintenance. In these cases, it’s ideal to treat it as an urgent repair issue.

Is your AC cooling bill higher than usual?

If the answer is “Yes,” and if there aren’t any serious repair symptoms, then we suggest calling in for maintenance. However, we’d also suggest having that maintenance performed as soon as possible.

Efficiency is one of the first things to drop as a result of neglected maintenance. The longer you go without that maintenance, the more you’ll have to pay in the long run. Getting the maintenance done sooner will only help you avoid spending more money than necessary.

Is your AC older than 10 years old?

If “Yes,” we suggest that you take maintenance into careful consideration. When air conditioners get too old, they reach a point where maintenance may not be a wise economical decision.

If your AC has been performing efficiently and has not needed any recent repairs, then you should be OK with getting a maintenance tune-up.

On the other hand, if your AC has recently been needing repairs more than usual, it might be getting too old. With all of your costs considered, you might want to put that money toward a replacement.

To get the final verdict on whether you need repairs or maintenance, don’t be afraid to ask for a professional’s opinion. Contact AirSouth Cooling and Heating today.

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